It’s “mainly because of the meat” is no longer the slogan used by the Metro grocery store (formerly Dominion) but that was the main reason I returned this week to Metro. The secondary reason was to complete my quest for Bonus Air Miles. The nice butcher that encouraged me to get rainchecks two weeks ago was there again, and he was the one who took the raincheck from me and re-stickered the trays of chicken from $7.69/kg ($3.49/lb) to $4.14/kg ($1.88/lb). I also purchased two Value pack trays of Angus Top Sirloin steak for $2.99/lb, at a $7/lb savings and I immediately sliced them up and packaged them for the freezer.
Here is my detailed receipt:
Lactanctia Smart Growth Homogenized milk $4.99 (x 2)= $9.98
Large clementine oranges $4.99
Royal Gala apples $1.97
Jane’s chicken nuggets $5.99
Chicken breast (bone in, skin on) Value Pack (x 4 packs – 20 chicken breasts) = $30.66
Angus Top Sirloin Steak Value Pack (x 2 packs – 4 large steaks) = $14.20
Total Cost: $67.79
Regular Cost: $133.06
Savings: $65.27
Regular Air Miles Earned: 3
Bonus Air Miles Earned: 10 (from the rainchecked milk)
I spent an additional $13 this week on produce, eggs and bread at Metro’s sister store, Food Basics. The combined total spending is just over $80. This will earn me an additional 8 Air Miles from my American Express credit card for a grand total of 21 miles. Since I started this blog, I have managed to keep my average weekly grocery spending to about $100/week. Not too shabby, considering I’m feeding a family of four!
Looks like you did very well. I really want to say thanks for converting the weights for US readers like myself. It really makes reading posts so much easier. Thanks again for sharing your experiences!
Thanks, Martilyo! Just curious, are the US meat prices higher or lower than in Canada? Or does it vary by state?
Comparing where you live to where I live in Texas, I think they are very similar. However cost of living will vary by state.
Wow. Just…wow. You are such a savvy shopper! Can you take me grocery shopping one day? I thought I was a good grocery shopper, but I spend more than you each week and I’m only feeding two!!!!
Kamara, I’d love to go shopping with you! I would be interested to hear what you think about my shopping style. I’ve been told that grocery shopping with me can be quite an experience (both good and bad).