Milk prices have been increasing steadily over the last couple of years so it’s amazing that Metro is offering 4L of Lactantia PurFiltre milk this week for $4. This is the cheapest price I’ve seen in ages, and definitely the lowest price for any brand of microfiltered milk. Metro is selling all varieties (1%, 2%, and Homo -3.25%) for the same price. I applied my $1 milk bag coupon and bought 4L of Homo milk for $3!
If you would like to protest the rising cost of milk in Canada, there is a petition you can sign at
Interesting. A gallon of milk in the US (3.8L) is around $3-4. I buy Horizon Organic because it has a longer than normal expiration date and I do not have to worry about it expiring prematurely. I always chuckle when I hear milk and Canada in the same sentence. I always think about bagged milk. I still need to write you that guest post if you are still interested. Hope all is well. Take care!
Organic milk costs about $8-9 here. Bagged milk only comes in the 4L size, and is sold that way in the East, not the West. Check out this Youtube video for a demonstration.
Yes, of course I’m still interested in having you guest post! Let me know whenever you’re ready.