I call myself “Canadian Cheapo” and my Canada includes Nunavut! I read an article in today’s Toronto Sun about the extreme food prices in Nunavut. I knew that the wages were higher to compensate for the cost of living, but I was still surprised to see some examples of Nunavut prices:
- Bananas $2.59/lb
- Apples (5 lb bag) $15.39
- Nestle Pure Life spring water (case of 24) $104.99
- Jane’s chicken burgers (10) $32.39 – See this post for what I’m used to paying
- Plastic bag fee $0.25 (and I complain about 5 cents)
In the Greater Toronto area, we have the luxury of competitive prices and many options for price matching. I understand that our shipping costs are lower because we do not require our food to be flown in. However, I’ve visited Hawaii before, and while their grocery costs are much higher than the American mainland, there isn’t such a large disparity.
Leesee Papatsie, a mother of four, has created a Facebook group called “Feeding My Family” and has organized a peaceful demonstration in Nunavut for Saturday, June 9, 2012 between 1:00pm-3:00 pm. She is trying to get residents to go to the main store in their community and stand together to protest against the high cost of food.
People of Nunavut, I fully support your cause and I’m there with you in spirit!
Yourmoney.ca has a post that explains this situation in further detail: Why does a bag of milk cost $12.95 in Nunavut?
i dont know everything is expencive there