There were reports of a peanut shortage last year but I hadn’t noticed that the price of peanut butter had increased until recently, when a relative of mine asked me to pick up a jar from the store. I usually buy several jars of Kraft Smooth peanut butter (my favourite brand) when No Frills has it on sale for $1.99/1 kg jar so I’ve never paid the regular price. When I saw the price tag, my jaw dropped. It had jumped to $6.77!
This week, Food Basics has the best price for Kraft peanut butter that we’ve seen in a while, $3.33/1 kg. I don’t know if the price will ever come back down to $2/jar, so I’ll be stocking up. I won’t buy too many though. Due to the kids’ school and daycare being nut-free, it’s just me and my husband reliving our childhoods with PB & J (peanut butter and jam) sandwiches on a regular basis!
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