The cheapest price for milk in Ontario this week:
Store |
Size and Brand |
Price |
Available coupons |
Price match info |
Metro | 4L bag (Skim, 1%, 2%), Lactantia PurFiltre | $3.99 | $1 from coupon tearpad (found in some stores) | FreshCo carries Lactantia milk |
Longos | 4L bag (Skim, 1%, 2%), Lactantia PurFiltre | $4.49 | same as above | same as above |
If you don’t have access to any of these stores and you want to understand why milk prices are so high in Canada, has more information.
That’s a great deal at Metro for the milk this week with the $1.00 coupon. I had no idea Freshco carried it so thanks for sharing that. It’s nice to know who carries what when you PM. Mr.CBB