I learned something very important from Miss Penelope and Mr. Hall from the Lottario commercials of the 1980’s–“If you don’t play, you can’t win.” I don’t buy lottery tickets on a regular basis (because I don’t want to win, but that’s another story), however, I do enter my fair share of contests. I have won all kinds of stuff, and most recently, I won a brand new Special Edition Keurig brewing system and 6 months of free coffee K-cups in Van Houtte’s We Roast, You Decide contest which is offering $45,000 in prizes. After the social media failure from Timothy’s Coffees of the World back in December 2011, the parent company GMCR Canada does not ask for your full contact information up front. They only require an email address for you to register to play the contest game and you send them your contact information only if you win.
After I told my family about my latest win, they were super excited. Especially my dad, because he is getting my old Keurig and free K-cups! My sister was eager to enter the contest but didn’t win anything. She exhausted all her additional entries and then found another Keurig contest, Travel Your Way. She did not win a trip but won an Elite Keurig brewer instead! Are we lucky or what?
On that note, I’m going to end on a question for my readers: Do you enter contests on a regular basis, and if so, what’s the best prize you’ve won? If you don’t enter anything, is it due to privacy concerns? Please leave your comments below.
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