I kicked off my Mother’s Day weekend by celebrating Scratch Day with my kids. This is an international event to promote coding, particularly for younger people. Scratch is a programming language created by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and can be used online or offline, free of charge.
My daughter and I had gone to the first Markham Coder Dojo event back in February, when we were introduced to Game Design in Scratch. These are events for children, but those under the age of 12 require an adult to supervise them so I seize the chance to learn as well. When else would I have the time to do it? Not to mention, combining technology, learning and spending quality time with my kids make this a win-win situation all the way around.
We designed some new games together today. One of them can be used as a fun tool for learning multiplication tables. I am very appreciative of the volunteers and mentors who make these learning events successful instead of frustrating. A shout-out also goes to Agnieszka Gorgon, a librarian with Markham Public Library, who has been organizing these events to encourage a new generation of coders!
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