I can’t stand paying regular prices on anything, but I’m not cheap when it comes to supporting people and causes that I care about. There a few charities that I donate to every year, and one of those is the Walk for Lupus. You might wonder how lupus directly affects me, and to be truthful, I’m fortunate that it doesn’t. However, a very special person from my past is married to someone who has lupus.
I haven’t seen “Peach” in decades, when we went to the same high school. I was weird and nerdy while Peach and his friend “Grapes” were the complete opposite of me. They were popular and athletic boys, and their lockers were located near the gym while mine was always near the science lab. You get the picture. I’m not even sure how we met or why we became friends but their friendship meant the world to me and I was treated like gold. It was odd because not only was I a girl, we also belonged to different groups (think “Breakfast Club”). One of my favourite memories was going to the now-demolished Uptown Theatre in Toronto with Peach, Grapes and their friends to see Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” on opening day. I could find a ton of girls who wanted to see Kevin Costner in Robin Hood but no takers for T2. Looking back, I guess I can see why I didn’t fit in. Sadly, before email and social media, no one stayed in touch after high school and our friendship ended as soon as I started university.
Anyway, flash forward to more recent times and I found my old friends on Facebook. Then I saw Peach on TV with his wife on “Love It or List It” and it made me understand some of the devastating effects of lupus. I could also see how much love Peach has for his wife, which somehow shone through despite the corny reality show acting. I have never forgotten the kindness of Peach and I wish only the best for his family. If you set aside funds for charity like I do, I encourage you to support Team Peaches and Thornes in the Durham Walk for Lupus, which will be next Saturday, September 19, 2015.
Thank you so much Fay. I am very grateful for having people like you in my life. Your blog has brought back many fond memories and touched my heart.
Rob, you made a difference in my life by caring about me and I know you are continuing to do the same in the lives of others. I can’t stop crying now…