Everyday low prices are reposted and although Sobey's is showing as $3.97 in this week's flyer, it appears that it is also an everyday low price when I go to the store. FreshCo 4L bag, Sealtest 1%, 2%, skim $3.97 no available coupons no Continue Reading
Cheapest Milk Prices in Ontario – week ending August 8, 2013
Milk prices holding below $5.00 at most grocery stores. Grab some ice cream and it's time for a milkshake! Enjoy! FreshCo 4L bag, Sealtest 1%, 2%, skim $3.97 no available coupons no price matching Everyday Low Price Food Continue Reading
Cheapest Milk Prices – week ending July 25, 2013
Regular Milk can be found in even more grocery stores for under $4.00 in the GTA this week and filtered milk can be found for under $5.00. Store Name Type of Milk Price no available coupons no price matching Week ending FreshCo 4L Continue Reading
Cheapest Milk Prices – week ending July 4, 2013
Happy Canada Day! Remember that all the major grocery stores will be closed on Monday July 1st! Sobeys has added themselves to the list this week with Sealtest 1%, 2% or skim 4L bags at $3.97. All the other stores remain the Continue Reading
Cheapest Milk Prices – Week ending June 20, 2013
Hi everyone, I guess you can say no news is good news. The milk prices are holding steady at all the major grocery chains at $3.97 for the regular 1%,2% or skim 4L bags. Below is a copy of the current everyday low prices. FreshCo 4L Continue Reading