Every September, Walmart Canada has an anniversary sale. The deals are usually similar to the ones on Boxing Day, but this year they weren’t that exciting. For the fifth year in a row that I can remember, the Pyrex glass containers were 50% off. The Jumbo boxes of Pampers diapers were the best deal in my opinion. However, I needed size 4 for my toddler and I couldn’t find that size in two different locations. Frustrated, I mentioned to a sales associate in the baby section that there didn’t seem to be any size 4. She said that Walmart was going to extend the diaper sale for one more week and that they would probably receive more shipments. When I explained that I was pretty busy and couldn’t keep coming back to the store to check, she made me an offer I couldn’t refuse: she suggested that she could sell me any size box of Pampers they had on the shelf but price matching the unit cost of the sale diapers (i.e. Price divided by the number of diapers in the box equals the unit cost). I was shocked. The Real Canadian Superstore advertises a baby price match guarantee (Text 58888 and they will send you an SMS text every Thursday night) using a unit cost calculation, but this was Walmart, where they don’t exactly go the extra mile. It did take about 10 minutes at the cash register for the cashier to page the associate and get the calculated price, then to page her supervisor to turn the key for a price override. It was time well spent because now I don’t have to return just to check on the availability. I frequently price match using competitor store flyers but this was the first time I’ve received a unit cost price match. Rule of thumb: Don’t be afraid to speak up, but always be polite. You may be pleasantly surprised at how helpful a sales associate can be.
[…] first wrote about buying diapers at Walmart in my “Price Matching” post. Remember, it was their September anniversary sale and the diapers were on sale. My […]
[…] Well, the Walmart Anniversary sale is back on again which means I’ve been blogging for about a year now. I took the day off today (not because of the sale) but I ended up being sick all night with […]
Let me know when you are going next and I’ll be sure to line up at a different cashier.
Ha ha its no fun to be behind the person that takes forever but hopefully stores start to train their staff better so they actually understand the concept(s), and that will save time in the future. I had a cashier who wanted me to put every single carton of soymilk from a case on the conveyor belt for her to scan seperately and I spent a considerable amount of time trying to explain how she can scan the same one multiple times, or enter the quantity and only scan once. Lets not even get into the fact that there should be a case price!!