I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for two years. Granted, there have been dry spells when I’ve been too busy to post anything, but somehow I’ve managed keep the entire website from going stale.
I wasn’t looking for fame and fortune by creating this blog but the payback has been personal satisfaction. For this, I have many people to thank. To my friends who encouraged me to blog about my shopping adventures and to everyone who reads my posts, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. A special thanks goes to Andrea of Nuts and Bolts Media for designing me a fabulous website and my sister Sue, who has been helping me keep this blog alive by providing the cheapest prices for milk. I would also like to give a shoutout to my friend Lora, who proved to me that a busy mom with a crazy schedule could still find the time to write, if for no other reason than to “not let yourself go”.
Please help celebrate my two year blogiversary by entering my very first giveaway, for Purex laundry detergent. The contest closes on September 27, 2013 so don’t delay!
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