Sorry for the delay in posting as I have been on vacation. We have been lucky this month as there has been 4L bags of milk for sale under $4.00 each week. Let's hope this trend continues. Please note this week's special ends on Wednesday. Continue Reading
Cheapest Milk Prices – week ending March 21, 2013
Store Size and Brand Price Available coupons Price match info Metro 2L carton, Natrel 1%, 2%, skim $3.00 n/a Walmart 4L bag, Neilson 1%, 2%, skim $3.97 n/a No Frills Continue Reading
New year, new approach to shopping
Happy New Year everyone! I love the concept of having a fresh start. Too bad I can never make the most of it and I require a "do-over" by the Chinese New Year. Yesterday was the last day of the year and for the first time in ages, I made the Continue Reading
Using technology to save money in Canada
My friend came up with the term "Cheapo Geek" to describe "one who not only likes a good deal but focuses, needs, relies & obsesses over the best deal". Um, yeah, that would be me. It's easier than you think to save money on all your Continue Reading
Stocking up on frozen turkeys
Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated annually on the second Monday of October. In the past, I would go to the grocery store on the second Tuesday of October and scope around for the half-price turkey or ham sales. This year, I am thankful for early Continue Reading