The cheapest price for milk in Ontario this week: Store Size and Brand Price Available coupons Price match info No Frills 4L bag, Neilson TruTaste or Lactantia PurFiltre, 1%, 2%, skim $3.88 $1 off Neilson TruTaste(Tearpad found at Continue Reading
Welcome to our new blogger
I have enlisted the services of a fellow Canadian Cheapo to assist me with keeping this blog up to date. Please welcome my sister, Sue, to the blogging world! She will be monitoring the prices and posting the weekly "Cheapest Price for Milk" in Continue Reading
“Sweet Saturday” special at Metro
Like most of my readers, I work full-time and I'm exhausted a busy parent. One of my favourite time-saving grocery deals is the unadvertised Sweet Saturday special at Metro grocery stores in Ontario. The 3 lb (1.36 kg) cut fruit carousel that Continue Reading
Cheapest price for milk – Week ending December 13, 2012
The cheapest price for milk in Ontario this week: Store Size and Brand Price Available coupons Price match info Metro 2L carton, Lactantia PurFiltre $2.99 Tearpad (from previous months) or from specially Continue Reading
Cheapest price for milk – Week ending December 5, 2012
The cheapest price for milk in Ontario this week: Store Size and Brand Price Available coupons Price match info Sobeys 4L bag (Skim, 1%, 2%), Natrel Fine-filtered milk $3.99 N/A FreshCo and Continue Reading