I am a stickler when it comes to good grammar and correct spelling so it really catches my eye when I see glaring errors in signage. Shoppers Drug Mart still wins the prize for the funniest spell check fail but the following ones come close. See if Continue Reading
Target Canada: Expect Less, Pay More
Several days ago, I went out of my way to find a Target Canada store so that I could use a gift card that my daughter received as a birthday present. It was a generous and thoughtful gift, and I wanted to use it before Target closed its doors in Continue Reading
Shopping Year in Review 2013
2013 was a big year for shopping news. I didn't have a chance to write about these headlines as they occurred, so here is my year in review in case you missed anything! March 5 - Target opened its first stores in Canada, using old Zellers Continue Reading
New year, new approach to shopping
Happy New Year everyone! I love the concept of having a fresh start. Too bad I can never make the most of it and I require a "do-over" by the Chinese New Year. Yesterday was the last day of the year and for the first time in ages, I made the Continue Reading
Using technology to save money in Canada
My friend came up with the term "Cheapo Geek" to describe "one who not only likes a good deal but focuses, needs, relies & obsesses over the best deal". Um, yeah, that would be me. It's easier than you think to save money on all your Continue Reading